Tips For Interior Painting: Clean And Neat
What does it take to pull off an excellent interior painting job?
Let’s build on what we talked about a few months ago on the blog, with some specific ideas about how to manage crews and achieve perfect results. This helps some of our clients to better envision what they can expect when a job is done. You have invested a lot in your property – let us help you to keep it looking nice!
Delineating Wood and Painted Trim
Start from this perspective – some interior surfaces have been painted over, and some are the original hardwood or specialty wood, with a stain or seal usually covering them.
The first rule of thumb is that property owners shouldn’t have to paint over previously unpainted surfaces just to make things look good. That means interior painters have to apply a level of professionalism, and a standard of cleanliness that’s pretty rigorous.
Also, using drop cloths and other tools, painters should match the existing paint lines, not broaden them out to additional areas just to even things up.
Paint Texture
Professionals learn how to apply paint evenly and consistency, without a lot of that ‘Michelangelo’ brushstroke design that you see from amateurs who are trying to do things themselves.
A clean, even application gives your interior surfaces that new look that they need, whether they’re traditional or modernistic.
Protecting Furniture
When the job is done, you don’t want paint flecks on your furniture or other indoor furnishings. This kind of goes along with the tip above, about protecting the unpainted surfaces, too. Again, the professional firm has to really apply a high standard here. That might mean moving things, or draping, or timing a job a certain way. But to the professional it’s just common sense!
Paint Thickness
Here’s another tip that professionals look at when they are addressing an interior paint job. You may have an ideal set of layers of paint to apply, but if paint has already built up on the surface, you can’t just continue applying paint infinitely. You have to have a plan for either scraping or abating, or putting on thinner levels in order to prevent that strange look when interior surfaces have been repainted too many times.
That’s a little bit about what we’re doing at client households to make things look 100% great. Talk to Yawata Company about your next interior painting project and how to get the results you’ll love!