
Three Different Types Of Painting Projects

What do you need in a painting company?

Well, as we talked about in a blog a few months ago, you need them to work clean and come away without damaging other areas or items at your property.

But you also need a company that’s versatile enough to handle different kinds of painting jobs. Here are three categories that we typically encounter as we provide excellent results for local property owners.

Single-Family Homes

Lots of people are just hiring painters to paint their own single-family dwellings.

One of the benefits of these types of jobs is that the house stands alone, so there’s not a lot of issues with working around adjoining properties. You have more space to spread out, too, for example, to take off doors and paint them outside.

That said, there’s often a lot more interior and exterior painting, because the standalone single-family home doesn’t have some of those shared spaces that you experience with other conjoined dwellings.

Condos and Townhouses

This is the other side of that coin. As mentioned, with these jobs, you have less exterior painting to do – usually just two walls – but you can also struggle with access to the site and getting everything in and out of the building that’s actually part of a larger set of homes.

Rental Properties

Then there’s the rental or investment property that’s often set up as a set of apartments.

In any of these rental properties, time is usually a major factor in getting the job done.

That’s because landlords want to get the property cleaned and repaired and set up for habitation and then get it filled as quickly as possible.

So as a professional painting outfit, the time management component plays a big role here. Landlords are often under pressure in ways that owner-dwellers are not. There may be other stakeholders like partners or investors who are demanding the unit be turned over according to a particular timeline. But without sacrificing quality!

At Yawata Company, we can figure out how to get the job done right, and on time. We are used to working on all three of these kinds of jobs, and others, according to the needs of the customer, and making sure everything goes as planned. In fact, there is a lot of planning in these kinds of jobs. People need to pay attention to the overall timeline and do things in a way that promotes successful completion sooner, not later. Talk to us about a painting project that you need done.