
The Importance of Covers

When your painter comes to call, does he or she bring those neat linen covers that will protect your lamps, sofas, chairs and other objects from undue, let’s say, discoloration?


If not, you’re not getting the best quality painting job!


One of the first things that we evaluate at Yawata Company is whether we need to cover items, to prevent them from getting “rained on” as painters cover walls and other local surfaces.


The furniture cover is an excellent example of a small investment that makes a big difference in painting.


Buy one and use it, and your customers will get abundant value in the form of neat, clean painting jobs. Skimp on coverings to save money, and your customers get, ultimately, a lot less value…


Dribs, Drabs and Drops


In general, one of the most important parts of painting is evaluating the potential for messy accidents. Some painters go at breakneck speed, and skip all kinds of small extra gear or safeguards in order to maximize their profit – and you can literally see the results. They’re smeared all over floors and exterior trim, and other areas where the paint doesn’t belong. This is a nightmare for a busy property owner who may have booked the job under duress, not thinking so much about what it would look like at the end!


Getting What You Pay For


The problem with an implicit contract like a painting job is that it requires a lot of trust.


Your contract for a painting job has to do with painting specific surfaces. But all of that stuff about not dripping or getting paint on other items is usually not spelled out in the contract at all. It’s an unspoken agreement, but that means it may not be something it your painting company is going to honor.


At Yawata Company, we’ve made a name for ourselves upholding this type of unspoken agreement, and our customers value that quite a bit.


When people talk about the mark of quality for a painting job, this is what they’re often talking about. Our customers aren’t shy about contributing to testimonials or promoting us through word-of-mouth, because they’ve had the experience that shows them we know our stuff. What we hear from people is that there’s often a lot of trial and error in finding the right painter – the painter that you trust not to mess up your property. After that, you can cruise on down the road knowing that you have a good relationship with someone who can do these jobs well, whether it’s at your home, or rent or business property. Just call!