Painting And Other Services
At Yawata Company, we know that each painting job is different. You show up and take stock of the situation, looking at the square footage of any interior or exterior project, but also at the details – doors and panels, hardware, banisters and railings, etc.
You also look at exactly what the property needs – is it just painting, or is it more?
Painting is the core of what we do, and we have the resources and tools to do it well.
You’ll see our crews at work treating every surface with the precision and care that you’d expect from a top-class company, one that knows its stuff.
Pressure Washing
In many cases, other surfaces need a pressure wash to present a clean and sanitary impression.
We have pressure washing tools with the particular PSI to get rid of dirt and debris without stripping materials, and we have the people who are trained to use them.
Drywall Repair
Here’s a situation where you get to a property and you see that there is actually a bit more to deal with in terms of wear and damage.
It doesn’t take much to poke a hole in a carefully drywalled interior space.
It can take a lot to fix it, though.
Our crews have to determine whether they can patch something, or whether they need to replace a panel.
They have to look at the process of finishing, which is by all accounts a precision process.
And they have to communicate everything with customers in a way that works for all parties.
These things might sound basic, but you have to really put some work and effort in if you want to get the best results.
There’s a lot more to say about every painting project and outdoor project that we do.
One way to think about it is that serving a customer is its own reward.
The positive relationships that we built make us stronger as people, and also bring us good fruitful business success.
You don’t really need a horoscope to know that – and it shows through in your work and what you do in the community!
It’s the heart that you put into a business that counts, and we think about that every single day. Contact us for whatever you need to be done at your property, and we’ll talk through it together. Get your work done the Yawata Company way!