
Complementary Spaces and Painting

There’s a difference between what a painting company does, and what a good painting company does. That’s what we tell each other from time to time, loading up the truck and looking at the job list with a confident eye.


You can see that when you have experience working with local companies to make properties look good. The way that you approach a painting job makes a difference!


With that in mind, let’s talk about some of the aesthetic principles that we use on the job, to offer our customers the best possible result instead of just slogging through a project.


One of those is the idea of creating complementary spaces. It’s the idea that if you have something neat, you put something meat around it to enhance that aesthetic impression even more. That’s central to the needs of a lot of our customers who have invested a lot in a piece of real estate and want to keep it looking good.


Exterior Painting and Landscaping


Exterior painting is done in the context of nature and natural landscapes.


When you accentuate exterior installations with clean, crisp lines, consistent coverage and nice brushwork, everything around the building seems to pop. That’s especially true when you pay attention to shrubs and trees and grassy areas.


Interiors and Wood Floors


In many of our client projects, we entered the building to find a magnificent lacquered or finished wood floor that shows off the natural grain of maple walnut or some other species in an attractive way. That means you take care not to scuff these floors!


Again, your paint job is matching that majestic impression with clean brushwork and clean edges, and obviously, no drips on this glorious woodwork. A good painting company will leave the space better than they found it. Others might not!


Interiors and Tile


Tile is another flooring choice that’s made partly to create a neat, smooth and consistent surface. It’s another opportunity for painters to complement this neat and tidy impression by doing the painting job itself the right way.


Take a look at our gallery for examples of this type of approach. We want your building to look its best, and that’s why we strive for excellence and not to be content with mediocrity! Talk to Yawata Company about your next painting job, and you’ll get the time-tested quality that you expect from an established local painting company that cares about every single job.